How Are You Progressing with Your Goals for 2018?

  • Are you expanding your current portfolio into new markets? Have you identified those industry experts with strong contacts in your new vertical?
  • Are you making a new acquisition in 2018? Are you taking action to quickly build and onboard leaders to drive that business? Or finding experts to strategically align the integration?
  • Are you building bench strength and future leaders for your organization? Where are you adding them to your organizational chart? Are you attracting them to your company?
  • Do you need to turn your business around? What is the new structure or even more important the new culture? Are there key leaders that may need to be identified? Others who need to be replaced?
  • Do you have a major industry expert retiring this year? When does his or her replacement need to start to allow some overlap and mentoring? What does the future of that role look like? Could it be top-graded?

As you begin to take action for your 2018 goals, start to think about those strategic game changers that need to be identified and hired. The process can be just as important, consider timing, any shifts in culture, and Onboarding during these conversations. These key positions could mean the difference between success or misstep.