8 Leading Reasons a Company Utilizes a Search Partner

Over the years, clients normally invest in our talent services when the cost of not filling the role with just the right candidate is significantly higher than the cost of the search. While our clients do find success from employee referrals, job postings and social media outlets, it is still time consuming. A thoroughly vetted, A-player takes high touch, time and attention that is not always readily available.

As time has gone by, clients have also shared the following reasons for partnering with our firm to search for the best talent available:

  • The client team does not have the time or immediate resources to attract top talent.
  • The need to hire a game changing leader. Good is just not good enough.
  • Clients need someone with a unique talent skill set that is hard to find or in high demand.
  • A newly created role for a client outside the company’s normal areas of expertise.
  • Confidential replacements where discretion is key.
  • Searches are completed thoroughly with a much-reduced possibility of a bad hire.
  • Recruiting from targeted companies where our clients either do business or are direct
    competitors providing a layer of confidentiality.
  • A client desires diversity and a more inclusive slate of candidates and they have already utilized their own network.

As you begin to act on your 2019 talent goals, start to think about those strategic game changers that need to be identified and hired. Key positions could mean the difference between success or misstep. Let Westport Intl help you make a difference in 2019.